Lianghong National Wetland Park

Lianghong National Wetland Park was originally planned to cover an area of 570 acres. The Park not only boasts unique natural environment of the Jiangnan water town, but also possesses the essence of Wu culture from 3200 years of Wu civilization, including agricultural culture, water conservancy culture, residential culture, bridge culture, and water culture. The nearby Bodu River, according to written records, is currently the earliest known man-made canal in China. The Hongshan Wu and Yue aristocratic tomb site, which is just a stone's throw away from Lianghong Wetland Park, was listed as one of the "Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries in China" when it was discovered in 2004, with more than 2,300 unearthed cultural relics.

In 2008, the Hongshan Museum and the Museum of Wu were completed and officially opened on the Hongshan site. At the end of 2011, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage officially named the Hongshan major site as "Hongshan National Archaeological Site Park", which became an important base for the protection, exhibition, and research of Chinese Wu culture. Hongshan is also home to romantic stories such as Fan Li and Xi Shi's fishing song at sunset, Liang Hong and Meng Guang's love story of "wife lifting the tray to her eyebrows to show great respect for her husband", and the legend of the seven academicians in the Qian family of Huaihai Charitable Institution. Lianghong National Wetland Park is a wetland park with rich cultural heritage.