Jiangsu Weather

Jiangsu Climate

Jiangsu Province is located in the coastal region of eastern China and has a pleasant climate with four distinct seasons. Spring and autumn in Jiangsu are short, but winter and summer are long.
Spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit Jiangsu Province.

SpringSpring starts from March to May and is the mildest and most pleasant season in Jiangsu Province. After the winter cold, the warmth of spring brings everything back to life, and flowers start to bloom all over the province. As the air is filled with the fragrance of spring, people go out to welcome and enjoy spring in Jiangsu.
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SummerJiangsu Province begins its long summer in June, and the rainy season spans from late June to early July. During the rainy season Jiangsu Province has lots of rain. After the rainy season, the hot and humid summer lasts until September. Tourist destinations such as beaches and forests are perfect places to spend the hot summer in comfort
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AutumnAutumn in Jiangsu Province is short, yet the most comfortable season of all. It is the season for picking autumn leaves and gingko nuts, and the whole province is welcoming the harvest season. A variety of autumn events with beautiful scenery and delicious food are held to treat tourists to the delights of autumn in their own way.
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WinterDecember witnesses the arrival of winter in Jiangsu Province as the year ends. As a coastal province, Jiangsu’s winter is not very cold. In many places, the joy of welcoming the New Year can be felt as people spend time visiting hot springs and preparing for the New Year.
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