Yancheng Dafeng Harbor Ocean World

Dafeng Harbor Ocean World is composed of the Ocean Technology Hall, Ocean Plant Hall and Moon Lake etc. The design for the Ocean Hall main body is a science investigation submarine in seabed composed of the Sailing Hall, Ocean Science Population Hall, Express Channel, Coast Landscape Area and the 120m long seabed sightseeing tunnel etc.

Yancheng Dafeng Harbor Ocean World 大丰港海洋世界

The solid aquarium, fluorescent paint experience section have over 300 types of marine biology and over 600 ton water capacity. In the fish tank, mostly are tropical ornamental fishes including red blood parrot, seven stars knifefish and sea anemone etc. By means of the vivid show from the Ocean Science Population Hall, Fish Tank Exhibition Section, Solid Aquarium,Fluorescent Sample Exhibition Section and Ocean Fish Sample Hall etc., the Ocean Hall tries to create a kind of floating, dreamy and filmy seabed scene.

Yancheng Dafeng Harbor Ocean World 大丰港海洋世界

By simulating the tropical climate environment, the Ocean Plant Hall is a controllable greenhouse as a large ocean tropical plant exhibition that integrates science population, sightseeing and leisure.

The Ocean Hollywood at the north side of Ocean Technology Hall has the immersive 4D dynamic cinema which designs such effects as smog, rain, photoelectricity and bubbles etc. according to  film scenes so as to make the audience have immersive feeling of the scenes including shaking, falling, blowing and water spraying etc.

Yancheng Dafeng Harbor Ocean World 大丰港海洋世界

Add: 1, Yantu Dadi Ocean Biology Industry Technology Park, Dafeng District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province

Open hours: 9:00-17:00

Ticket: 120 Yuan

Traffic: take Yancheng City Dafeng Tour Line 1 and get off at Dafeng Harbor Ocean World.